Every year the artists involved are struggling to try to keep their events visual art alive. Times are hard for small agencies and money is scarce and erratic. Why should we encourage smaller institutions such as the CACO, Contemporary Art Centre of Ottawa located in a small village of Montpellier since other more impressive are already fighting for crumbs? Because we will never have enough visibility to the public if we wait patiently for our turn. In art, acting is the only option, even when there was nothing in his pocket. The story does not care whether we had beautiful big chubby subsidies, there are only the result that remains. This is where it sometimes hurts, it is more resourceful, more the government says you can do miracles with nothing. Yes ... but with a little more money. (Copy that last sentence and send it to the Ministry of Culture with your address over a thousand other names, plus a lot of luck and good relations, we will send you a check.) Damage that results count more for history than for government institutions!
bin myself!
Martine Birobent
But here, we were again this year and once again I remain amazed face this dynamic artists in this bustling little corner of the country for the mere pleasure of inventing a world, to meet the storm to talk about wacky ideas that we suddenly top finish watching some patiently carving rain after several hours of travel, several days of work without paying , several nights of creation in order to share this year. And thank you to those who have managed to make it possible with the sweat and pennies.
from July 11 to September 27, 2009
open all summer, Thursday-Friday between 10am and 16h and Saturday -Sunday between 10h and 17h
19 Main Street, Montpellier (Quebec) (no it's not in France) J0V
1M0 (819) 423-6257
I could finish this post without mentioning the council sponsoring the sculpture the whole and which does have its exposure in Gatineau entitled "Renaissance" in honor of his own resurrection and hope for ever and ever, amen!
from 16 to 5 September 2009
opening July 16 from May to July
Centre Jacques Auger, 39 rue Leduc, Gatineau
Friday from 17h to 21h and Saturday, Sunday from 13h to 17h
John H Guilmette (819) 778-3079
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