Blurb books are a treat for me as sneaky as I can sometimes even though I know it's almost fished to dote as much. It's the ultimate freedom of expression with maximum visibility that I can when I fly on my own! If I do not detain me, I'd be all week. I love books and love to put in pictures and words, opening a glossy, crunchy under your fingers. For me, a complete knowledge of my words.
is also very simple to perform for anyone and much less expensive than scrapbooking! Simply download the software and either use their layouts or prepare your own pages in Photoshop. Then you export your book to their website and pay online. Some 10 days later you receive your book in the mail! It's even cheaper than the print itself on its squeaky little printer. Beautiful paper, beautiful glossy cover, fine print, it's worth the trip! The binding is sometimes still a bit fragile and it is better to provide pictures and text not too near the edge (1.5 cm at least) because the crooping is a bit random. Before ordering 20 copies, make sure to come one!
course there are other places where you can print its books Online. Shop around a bit! There are all sorts of sites that offer this, even one in Montreal that I tried, in press
picture is good too. It's more expensive if it is more than 20 pages but it is also not very long and receivables.