Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Noma Wiring Connection

visit to Tony Blair by a delegation of the European Jewish Congress

A European Jewish Congress delegation, led by Pierre Besnainou , President, who was accompanied by Roger Cukierman , Henry Grunwald (GB), Ariel Musicant (Austria), Vice- presidents, met with British Prime Minister Tony Blair , Monday, November 7, 2005. Also present were Florence Kaufman (GB) and Serge Cwagenbaum, Secretary General. The Prime Minister was surrounded by his advisers Sir Michael Levy and Sir Nigel Sheinwall.
Similarly, the ECJ had visited predecessors Tony Blair to the Presidency of the EU, the Prime Ministers of Luxembourg and the Netherlands, each term lasting only six months. The President of the ECJ
thanked Tony Blair for his strong positions on Iran and its commitment towards peace in the Middle East.
He asked her to put pressure on Arab countries to normalize their diplomatic relations with Israel. Such standards would include the interest of isolating Iran.
The delegation also called for the strengthening of legislation against anti-Semitism in particular countries that recently joined the European Union.
The delegation raised the Palestinian Authority must now receive more aid from Europe, but the Authority should also turn to show his commitment to peace by fighting against terrorist groups.
Citing the wave of violence in Europe, was reminded of the need for European coordination against those who advocate terror, and also a close cooperation of all members of the Union to prevent television channels such as Al-Manar and Al-Sahar of sending hateful, racist or antisemitic.
La rencontre s’est tenue dans un climat chaleureux dans la salle du Conseil du 10 Downing Street.
Source : CRIF


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