Monday, July 21, 2008

Where To Put A Cute Dermal Piercing

Requalification contract term employment (CSD) in the employment contract of indefinite duration (CDI).

The contract term employment should be considered an exception to the employment contract term undetermined. That's what we said art. 1221-2 of the Labour Code which provides that the employment contract is concluded without a fixed duration. And since the order of 05 February 1982. The legislature's desire to make an exception of CDD is an integral part of the insecure situation in which he places the employee . Exhaustively regulated by the code and very closely monitored by the judge, the draft contract can be reclassified as a permanent contract. order to determine the rules of this reclassification, it must answer three questions: When does the CSD can be reclassified in CDI? How to obtain this reclassification? What are the consequences? ( result )


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