Prevention of workplace harassment
Bullying has always existed in the workplace. This is not a new practice, but his name, also referred to as mobbing, is quite recent. Indeed, sexual harassment is recognized in French law since 1992, mobbing is introduced into the Labour Code by the law of social modernization of January 19, 2002 [2002 to 73.17 L No janv.2002, JO Jan 18] After the Labor Code " no employee is subjected to repeated acts of harassment that have the purpose or leads to a deterioration of working conditions might adversely affect his rights and his dignity, affect his physical or mental health or jeopardize his professional future [C.trav. ; Art.L.122-49/record. C.trav., Art.L.1152-1]. When such a case is accepted, the Penal Code provides a penalty of up to one year imprisonment and a fine of 15 000 € [C.pén., art. 222-33 and 222-33-1]. The adoption of the law on the fight against discrimination in 2001 marked a 1st step of identifying the phenomenon. Now companies need to look at their practices, discrimination remains a clearly identifiable risk to the company. (Continued )
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