Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are There Any La Fitness In San Antonio

News ....

Already nearly a month since I'm not here you back, thinking maybe some j'hiberne but nay! LOL I
out my knitting needles that I'm put away forever and really have fun ....
a glimpse

And since few days I found my tile with a bookmark that had attracted many flowers in Couvige Soursac . Made in one color, model, already somewhat complicated, I would certainly be a bit more accessible but I had so admired in assorted colors that I decided to try to fall colors .....

A picture of the progress of my work to date.

Even if the picture is not very clear, green thistles are not those of the stems and the center of the flower is yellow. So for me, a difficulty was to find how to change color without tying knots everywhere. So I Ponder, Ponder ....... I pin provisional double wire, etc. .... I experiment.

Next step

course, the 22 petals of the daisy will be "white rose" and heart "yellow-orange", then I should find my green ropes LOL still good times in perspective but certainly know a lot of lace. .........


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