Hello to everyone! The superb granite
The Pedriza requires cold, the best season to go since it's spring autumn juice. In summer open new lignes.Pendant winter is cold, but it's amazing.

"Potrillo desbocado" 7b + carles
We have two blogspot: http://entreansias.blogspot.com/ exclusively Pedriza (lots of photos, videos and topos (in English "sketch").
Santi "el arbol del Ahorcado" 7c/8a Dyno in La Dehesa, Pedriza
http://ansiosostrip.blogspot.com/ Travel blog: All Spain, France, USA, Swiss, etc. ..
They are connected to the right side on the Climb On!: El Blog de los Viajes. It's very easy contact with us, you just need to write email and we will inform you safe places to sleep, water and all the important things you should know when you go to new spot.Il lot blocks as you expect. In that time I there is more than 1000 blocks open and continue looking for new lines, ouvrint, netoyent ... We
will be very happy to receive gents who want to experience a superb location with the best blocks of Spain, with the chance to go as a Escorial Zarzalejo, Albarracin, etc..
Hi to everyone!
sgalayar@googlemail.com Santi
perfiles79@gmail.com Miguel AKA Perf
carlesdediego@gmail.com Carles

Adri a "Fantasy Line" 7b +
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