Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Paddle Boat Can Move Speed

Puppet Workshop

From Spring Arts
I just returned from leading a puppet workshop at the school Bernard Corbin Lachenaie. It was a special request from the academic advisor in art Guylaine Jacques who wanted to bring together 16 schools from the school board of Referrals to a special event called "The Spring arts. "The concept being that each team prepared a drawing of a mythological character and then perform a puppet-size in just 2:30, a soundtrack, a script, staging and articulate all on the scene for about 1 minute. Ambitious enough no doubt!
From Spring Arts
With an incredible coordination of all actors in this event, this day was so extraordinary. The puppets are really beautiful children! I was accompanied on this adventure by Aunt Francine Thibaudeau and my friend Nicole Beland which oddly helped me prepare and conduct the workshop to make it feasible and fun, especially lightning fast. I thank them enormously for having supported this!
From Spring Arts
And here I want to congratulate the children and their chaperones to me quite impressed with their involvement. Everyone arrived on time with bags full of treasure to make their puppet eager to get started. It is often said that young people are jaded bin and I can say it's not true! It was a magical moment of creation as I have seen little. And thank you to the Cirque du Soleil who provided us with scraps of fabric through the BIMAM that recycles materials from private companies that offer arts and much needed support to continue to exist .
From Spring Arts

Come here my M Others C ulpa . I apologize it is thought that more people in a project, the more likely it fair somewhere as I have experienced so often. I apologize for believing that schools are often not very organized because this time Pro was really great, more pro than many professional firms. And finally, that the children in a group of tornadoes are dangerous and difficult to control that fails to create much in these conditions. I am a loner. It's easy for me to work alone and to foresee everything and it makes me nervous to work as a team. Through this project, I begin to think that I have every interest in do it more often because I can certainly have some wonderful surprises!

From Spring Arts
From Spring Arts

And for the Following pictures will show HERE ! It's worth a visit ... more than one hundred photos!


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