Thursday, January 22, 2009

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employee savings scheme: the applicant

Employee savings consists of a set of devices that are designed to involve the employee in the sustainability of the company. There are three main types of savings plans: profit sharing, profit sharing and employee savings plans.
For reasons of current legislation, we have chosen to focus on sharing. Born
of Ordinance No. 59-126 of 7 January 1959, the incentive is a "financial benefit based on the results of the company." Its application mode in the firm may be provided by law, collective agreements or employment contracts. Unlike participation, sharing is a voluntary measure, which made very little acclaimed. Indeed, until today, this advantage was not really his place in French companies, where one finds that it was used only 10% of SMEs (Le Monde, February 26, 2008). However, President Sarkozy said May 26, 2008, will boost buying power by accelerating the implementation of the incentive system in enterprises and all those who would install such a system would receive a tax credit.
The Act of 3 December 2008 in favor of earned income was the theme of our project. She is a strong step forward in the legislation on sharing (and on the participation and EPE) considerably easing procedures and improving the attractiveness to employers of its establishment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

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Management Diversity - The employability of older workers: an indicator of diversity in the workplace

Senior management is truly one of the biggest challenges faced in the coming years. Important as an actor on the labor market, the Company will integrate this data and to implement policy Seniors most relevant and most suitable in terms of its structure, its culture and its business.
this in mind, this guide aims to give you the tools, methods and information that will help you understand the question. This guide discusses in a fun, simple and interactive, presenting as the repository of records . Its practicality makes it accessible to anyone wishing to understand the new legal requirements regarding the management of societal Seniors or deepen the knowledge in this field. Also, we hope that this book will be a real working tool in the understanding, apprehension and the firm establishment of a Senior Policy judicious and interesting for both the Seniors and businesses.

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Suffering - Evil inevitable business? Testing or test

Suicide of several employees, including the Renault seems to have reignited the debate suffering at work. Financial situations and strong competition from Renault took him to change his working methods, methods that generated stress and overwork among employees. Priority given to performance. A file attempts to answer the following question: the was suffering at work is it inevitable evil companies? In this case, the authors address these key events that are suffering stress, burnout and psychological and sexual harassment and their consequences for businesses.