Contact: catalogne@jeunesses-identitaires.com By Jerome
D- the identity Many young people (and not so young) who discover the Identitaires through Novopress, the Blog of identity or to the websites of the Bloc, the JI or Identitaires.L ubiquity of The Internet has helped create virtual links between supporters and capabilities of messaging prodigious but unfortunately resulted in a devaluation of traditional activism (collage, towing, shadow box ...) and a loss of a sense of commitment financier.Or Even with the Internet, including the money is needed to power the sites pay the hosts, etc.De Similarly, many of our fellow citizens do not have Internet or, if they have, do not instinctively to seek feedback on our site. I noticed recently that many executives or families have the Internet at the office and not at home so they never go surfing on sites like those of political identity for fear that it will know in their box.
Therefore, the active commitment must be upgraded. That is why the Bloc Identity proposes new stickers that I invite you to order (you can view them by clicking the following link: http://www.bloc-identitaire.com/propagande.htm ) And to disseminate massivement.Une new card is available to members. Membership allows you to create virtual links between the non-adherent and structure. The participant receives a card every year and every two months, "the letter of identity" which, over 4 pages, chronicles the life of the movement. He is accused of actions, dinners and meetings. For its part, the Bloc, through membership, receives regular financial revenue.
not forget that we place in the heart of our fight the carnal notion of community, patriotism, defense of identities, rooting ... anything that requires that people know physically, appreciate (often), shouting at each other (sometimes), working together ... activism creates friendships and even, occasionally, families ( the present writer can attest). Personal ties can work on projects (up and fund a review, action, ...), preparing meetings and rallies, organize and collages distributions tracts.Je invite you to support the commander in Identitaires stickers (:: link:) by making a donation (:: link::) or adhering to Block Identity (:: link::). Today, the Bloc wants you to take a qualitative and quantitative leap. A member of most is ten times more action to safeguard our regional identities, French and européenne.Comme wrote the excellent Roger Nimier:
"One more step and we will be the masters!
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